"Paint What You Love"

"Paint What You Love"
"Paint What You Love", by R.J. Ball, Pastel on velour

Sep 16, 2011

My First Painting

As promised--this is my very first pastel painting.  My husband and I were visiting relatives in Cumberland, Md., and touring a quaint downtown area, when I noticed a small art supply store.  The rest is history.  It is done on paper, I believe Mi-Tentes, or one similar.  It was a long time ago, early 80's.  I copied it from a "flowers of Texas" brochure.  It still hangs in my living room, as I love Texas wildflowers, and it fits in with my Texas Hill Country decorating theme.  At that time, I hadn't learned the "thou shalt not copy"rules(except for practice and personal use), but then I don't have any intentions of selling it.


  1. Beautiful, Rita! Thanks for sharing! (wish MY first pastel painting had looked this good!)

  2. Thanks, Rita! I would like to see your first painting. Know how wonderful your work is, I can't imagine it being anything but good.
