"Paint What You Love"

"Paint What You Love"
"Paint What You Love", by R.J. Ball, Pastel on velour

Aug 21, 2013

An Invitation

You are all invited!!  The following invitation is for the upcoming New Braunfels Art League Show, Sept. 4th. thru Sept. 29th., 2013.  The title of the show is "For the Love of Animals".  The address and date/time of reception, awards, is on the card.

I am both excited and honored that one of the paintings I am entering, was selected to be on the invitation!!  I did two blogs on "Think Big", April 13th. and Jan. 8th..  Another painting I am entering is "Waiting", blog on Jan. 24th., 2012.  The third one is a new painting, "A Loving Worker", and I will post a blog on her soon.

Hope you can make it to the reception on Sept. 6th., and/or show while it is there.!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Congratulations! That's a really good painting. Enjoy the show!
