I have been wanting to paint our Texas wildflowers for quite some time, but wasn't sure how I wanted to approach the subject. They are definitely beautiful when you view them in batches out in a field, and the colors can be really breathtaking when they are at their fullest. I am not a plain air nor landscape painter, plus, I thought I would like to show them up close and personal. We really don't get to see that view point when we are driving down the road. Neither am I a botanical artist--so, what to do?! My first idea was "Moonlit Bluebonnets", which I have posted earlier. My latest idea is the following pics I am posting today. They are 6" diameter, framed 8" square. I am trying to keep them simple and small. Not sure if this is the route I want to take, but will do a few more, to see. I think they are small enough people can make a collection of them, I can do prints, or note cards. They are also done in different media. The pastel one is my favorite, so far. Enjoy!!

"Rain Lily", graphite, 6" dia., 8" sq., framed
"Rain Lily", watercolor, 6" dia., 8" sq., framed
"Spider Wort", pastel, 6" dia., 8" sq., framed
Your artwork is lovely. I think it's a great idea to feature the Texas flower in many different hues and moods! I could see myself collecting each new piece in the series as they come out, and framing them for a special grouping on the wall!