I finished "Think Big", the third painting to add to my series "Paint What You Love". The photo referance and the dog, belongs to my hairdresser. The minute I saw it, the title came to me, and I obtained permission from her to use it in my paintings. The dog's name is Honey, a yellow lab. I am including it in my series because the title covers a lot of territory in the artist's life. When I first started painting, I would do small sizes(8"x10" or smaller). I kept hearing "do larger paintings--it will loosen you up". So I did, and it did help. "Think Big" can also mean make bigger goals and dreams--don't limit yourself--shoot for the stars! Dream of that Best of Show or 1st. Place ribbon. Envision people wanting to hang your paintings in their homes or businesses. Keep learning--we don't know it all, yet(and never will).
Just to refresh your memory, I will include my other two paintings, to show as a series.
"Think Big", Pastel, 20" x 16"
"Paint What You Love", Pastel, 16" x 20"
"Have Fun", Pastel, 20" x 16"