Sometimes while working on a painting, I take a rest from it, especially if there is a problem area, or something just isn't coming out the way I have envisioned. During such a time, while working on "Have Fun", I decided to play with an old photo I had of my cousin, Devon, when she was little. When I came across it, I saw a story, hence the title. I wanted to practice my drawing, and occasionally do that when nothing else is coming to mind, as what to do next. It slows me down and gets my creative thinking to start working. Some parts of the drawing process, especially working on values, with a pencil, can be a little tedious. Evidently the brain must kick in to break the monotony. The photo was quite small(3"x3", black and white, and was taken in the 1950's), so I scanned it to my computer, cropped, and enlarged. It needed a lot of work on the values. Not too long after I thought I was finished, I took a colored pencil workshop with Richard Drayton. He taught us a lot on doing values with colored pencil, using his technique. (I loved the workshop!) Getting my lack of confidence under control, I took it in the last day, after class, hoping he would give me some input. He pointed out that the darkest area behind Devon should be enlarged. Something to do with the flash. That made a lot of difference! Soon after, "Have Fun" got finished, and I decided to also enter my drawing of Devon in our annual show. Sure am glad! As was mentioned in my last blog, "Shhh...Baby Doll Sleeping" tied for 1st. Place in the Drawing/Pastel category, with "Have Fun".
reference photo |
Cropped and enlarged |
not too crazy about my photo |