When I received 1st. Place for "Paint What You Love", a fellow artist suggested I do a series. So, my follow up was "Have Fun"---and I did!! I've always loved my reference photo. Fancy, my border collie, was a very active puppy. If you are at all familiar with border collies, you know what I mean. Well, this one particular time I was looking at it, trying to get some ideas, and it reminded me of a pastel artist friend who always ends up with pastel all over her face when she's painting. Then I bought the toy mouse, and of course, you have to have a cat. Well, there are no cats here! Fancy enjoys tantalizing and running them out of the yard. I had never drawn nor painted one, so the research began, looking for cats in poses that would fit into my composition. I found several for reference, for anatomy, and came up with my own color choice. Then, my idea was first done on tracing paper, and I did change my mind several times regarding what props to use. I set them up like I did for "Paint What You Love". Next, I followed through with choosing a color scheme.

reference photo
deciding on color scheme
"Have Fun", 20" x 16", Pastel on velour
"Have Fun" was entered in the 2011, C.L.A.G. annual show, and won 1st. Place in Drawing/Pastel category. Not only did it receive 1st. Place, but my other entry, "Shhh....Baby Doll Sleeping", tied for first, with it. I will post that next time. Needless to say, my feet didn't touch ground the rest of the evening! Art does have it's HIGHS!!